How to Improve Your Vocabulary | Legal Vocabulary words

Vocabulary is an integral part of the English section in the CLAT exam. You cannot prepare vocabulary in a day. So, make it a habit to improve your word power every day. For that, you’ll need to read and jot down new words every day. 

How to Learn Vocabulary for CLAT 2022?

CLAT includes comprehension-based passages in all the sections. Hence, understanding the passage is very important to answer the questions. So learning new words will help you have a grasp of the language and understand the passage better.

Here are a few tips on how to learn vocab:

  • While reading, when you come across a new word, note it down and revise it again each day. 
  • Newspapers are definitely the best source for improving vocabulary. 
  • Try to use the new words while you communicate in your daily life. This will help you to remember words without mugging them up. 
  • Pick up fiction stories or novels to come across new words.
  • When you note down new words, check the form of the word, find its synonyms and antonyms as it will help you in the exam.
  • Attempt vocab quizzes to test yourself. 
  • Maintain consistency, as learning new words just one day will not help. 

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Sources to Improve Your Vocabulary

Law students are expected to have excellent communication skills to make their journey as a lawyer easier. So great vocab will not only help you in the CLAT exam but throughout your journey. While preparing for the exam, students are young and have fertile minds, and hence their ability to acquire new words is at its peak. 

Surround yourself with the best resources like newspapers, magazines, or novels, which will surely enrich your vocabulary.


Editorials are articles in newspapers and magazines through which the writers express their opinions on various issues. These writers are highly qualified personnel of different fields, so it becomes important to know their views on current issues. 

Reading editorials will help you to learn new words every day. Even if you disagree with the views expressed in the editorial, pay attention to the language used and learn from it, in particular, the words.

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Literature is an incredible source to enrich one’s thoughts, imagination, and vocabulary. Novels include words that you might not have heard before, as they may not be used frequently in ordinary communication, but it is important to learn such words to enhance your linguist skills. Hence read novels that can positively impact your thought process and enrich your CLAT vocabulary.

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Legal Vocabulary 

Attorney – A person appointed to act for or represent another, a lawyer

Brief – Written statement of facts for a court

Case – Statement of the facts in a trial, esp. the argument of one side

Contract – A formal agreement, usually in writing, between two or more parties

Court of law – The place where law cases are heard and decided; court – courtroom

Evidence – Information presented to a court to prove or support a point in question

Guilty – Responsible for wrong; culpable 

Judge – A public official with authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law

Jury – A group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case and give a decision

Lawsuit – A trial at court between two private parties

Lawyer – A person trained in law and who advises or represents others

Plead – To defend a law case, to declare oneself to be guilty or not guilty

Sentence – Decision of a court, esp. as to the punishment

Solicitor – Lawyer advising clients & briefing barristers, law officer for a city

Sue – To start legal action against someone in a court of law

Sum up – To summarise & review the evidence of a case

Trial – A formal examination of a case in a court of law

Verdict – The formal decision or finding of a judge or jury

Without prejudice – Without detriment or damage to a legal right or claim

The Final Word

Finally, have patience. Learning new words and remembering is not possible without being patient and revising them every day. So take one baby step at a time and keep improving to get successful.

Also read – English Grammar for CLAT


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