Lawyer Ram Jethmalani: Fees, Top Cases, Career, Education, Books, All Details

lawyer ram jethmalani

Ram Jethmalani was among the highest-paid and famous lawyers in India, known for his skill and courage in handling tough cases. Born in 1923 in Sindh, which is now part of Pakistan, he went on to become one of the most respected figures in Indian law. 

His career as a lawyer lasted over 70 years and included some of India’s most high-profile legal battles. Lawyer Ram Jethmalani also served as India’s Minister of Law and made significant contributions to politics. 

He passed away in 2019 at the age of 95. Here, let’s learn about his life, education, famous cases, work, fees per case, and the lasting impact he left on India’s legal and political scenes.

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Full NameRam Boolchand Jethmalani
BornSeptember 14, 1923, Shikarpur, Sindh, British India (now in Pakistan)
DiedSeptember 8, 2019, New Delhi, India
ProfessionLawyer, Politician
EducationLL.B from Bombay University at age 17
Notable CasesJessica Lal murder case, Harshad Mehta stock market scam, defense of Indira Gandhi’s assassins
Political AffiliationBharatiya Janata Party (BJP), also served as independent
Offices HeldUnion Minister of Law, Justice, and Company Affairs (1996, 1999-2000), Member of Parliament
Publications“Big Egos, Small Men”, “Conscience of a Maverick”, “Maverick: Unchanged, Unrepentant”
Spouse(s)Durga Jethmalani (deceased), Ratna Shahani (second wife)
ChildrenRani Jethmalani, Shobha Jethmalani, Mahesh Jethmalani, Janak Jethmalani
Notable RemarksKnown for his outspokenness and fearless advocacy in controversial and high-profile cases

Ram Jethmalani was born on September 14, 1923, in Shikarpur, Sindh, which was then part of British India and is now in Pakistan. Growing up during a period marked by significant political and social turmoil influenced his outlook and aspirations from a young age. 

His family, known for valuing education and civic duty, played a crucial role in shaping his early life.

Ram Jethmalani was an extraordinary student, showing academic promise early on. He completed his schooling in his hometown and later moved to Mumbai for further education.

By the way, the beginning of the journey of Ram Jethmalani in advocacy and then the disguise is also very interesting. 

In an interview, he said:

“When I was in the third grade, there was a program in my school. In this, teachers and students of many schools of Sindh came. My teachers called me on stage and challenged other teachers to ask this child any question about Mughal history. My performance was so good that people rained notes and gold coins on the stage.

In this statement, the rainy thing of gold can be an exaggeration. But you have to believe that Ram Jethmalani was unique from childhood. Due to this singularity, he was sent to school twice in the next class. He passed matriculation only at the age of 13. 

Ram Jethmalani’s father and grandfather were also lawyers, but they did not want Ram to become a lawyer too. 

In an interview, Ram Jethmalani said:

“My father wanted me to be an engineer. He also got me enrolled in science. But the advocacy was in my blood. I was lucky that the government made a rule at that time. Under this rule, any student could pass an examination and enroll in advocacy. I took this exam and topped it and got enrolled in advocacy.”

After studying advocacy against the father’s will, this 17-year-old youth faced another challenge. According to the Bar Council rules, no person could be given a license to practice before the age of 21. 

In such a situation, Ram Jethmalani would have had to wait for four years even after qualifying. But he wrote an application to the Chief Justice of the Karachi High Court. 

In it, he wrote that he should be given a chance to say his words. The Chief Justice gave him an appointment and an opportunity to speak. 

Ram Jethmalani said in a TV interview,

“I told the Chief Justice that when I enrolled in advocacy, there was no such rule that I could not be given a license before the age of 21. Therefore, this rule should not apply to me.”

The Chief Justice was so impressed with this 17-year-old man’s talk and his confidence that he wrote a letter to the Bar Council asking to consider licensing Ram Jethmalani. After this, the rules were changed, and with the exception of one, Ram Jethmalani was issued a license for advocacy at the age of 18. 

He became the first and last person in the country to start advocacy at such a young age.

He was deeply influenced by the nationalistic fervor of pre-partition India, particularly by the legal and political activism against British rule. Figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who were not only political leaders but also skilled lawyers, inspired him. 

They used legal proceedings as platforms for advocating justice and political change, impressing upon Jethmalani the power of law as a tool for societal improvement. Motivated by these leaders and supported by his family’s encouragement, he pursued a career in law with a strong desire to contribute to justice and reform.

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Ram Jethmalani began his legal practice in Karachi, Sindh, soon after being admitted to the bar at the age of 18. His early years in law were marked by his sharp intellect and ability to handle complex cases, which quickly earned him a reputation as a promising young lawyer. 

However, the partition of India in 1947 forced him to relocate to Bombay (now Mumbai), where he had to rebuild his practice from scratch.

Rise to Prominence

In Mumbai, Jethmalani’s legal career flourished as he took on a variety of cases, ranging from criminal defense to civil rights issues. His fearless approach and willingness to handle controversial cases gained him significant attention and respect in the legal community. 

He was known for his eloquent and aggressive courtroom presence, which often swayed judges and juries alike. There are a lot of lessons from Ram Jethmalani that every law aspirant or lawyer should learn.

Ram Jethmalani: The Lawyer More Experienced Than Judges

Ram Jethmalani took the longest journey of advocacy in Indian history. 

A lawyer of the Supreme Court says, 

Contributions to Legal Education and Reform

Jethmalani was deeply committed to legal education and reform. He often lectured at law colleges and was involved in several initiatives aimed at reforming the Indian legal system to make it more efficient and accessible. His advocacy for judicial accountability and legal education reform had a lasting impact on the legal landscape of India.

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Ram Jethmalani was involved in many high-profile and controversial cases throughout his long career. Below are some of the most notable ones:

1. K.M. Nanavati vs. State of Maharashtra

The case involved naval officer Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati, who was accused of murdering Prem Ahuja, his wife’s lover. This case attracted widespread media attention and was among the last jury trials held in India.

Lawyer Ram Jethmalani was part of Nanavati’s defense team. Although the jury initially acquitted Nanavati, the verdict was dismissed by the Bombay High Court, and the case was retried as a bench trial.

Outcome: Nanavati was eventually convicted but later pardoned, partly due to the massive public support for him.

2. Defense of Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parekh

Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parekh were involved in major financial scandals that rocked the Indian stock market. These cases involved complex financial transactions and alleged manipulation of stock prices.

Lawyer Ram Jethmalani represented both, challenging the legal system and the evidence presented against them.

Outcome: While the cases had various legal outcomes, Jethmalani’s defense brought attention to the need for reform in securities laws and financial regulations in India.

3. Defense of Indira Gandhi’s Assassins

After the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, by her Sikh bodyguards, the accused were put on trial amidst a highly charged and tense political environment.

Lawyer Ram Jethmalani took on the unpopular task of defending the assassins, arguing their case in a highly hostile atmosphere.

Outcome: The assassins were convicted and later executed, but Jethmalani’s willingness to defend them was seen as a testament to his commitment to legal principles.

4. Jessica Lal Murder Case

Jessica Lal, a model in New Delhi, was shot dead in 1999 at a party after she refused to serve drinks to Manu Sharma, the son of a wealthy and influential politician.

Jethmalani represented Manu Sharma in a case that drew public ire due to the perceived influence and power protecting the accused.

Outcome: Sharma was initially acquitted, leading to widespread public outrage and subsequent retrial, which resulted in his conviction.

5. Defense of L.K. Advani in the Hawala Scandal

The Hawala scandal was a major political scandal involving payments allegedly received by politicians through Hawala brokers.

Jethmalani defended L.K. Advani, a senior politician in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who was accused of receiving bribes.

Outcome: Advani was acquitted of the charges, and Jethmalani’s defense played a crucial role in the legal battle.

6. Defense of Asaram Bapu

Asaram Bapu, a self-styled godman, was accused of sexual assault by a minor girl at his ashram in 2013. Advocate Ram Jethmalani took on the defense of Asaram Bapu, navigating through intense media scrutiny and public criticism.

Outcome: Asaram Bapu was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2018, highlighting a significant case in the context of sexual assault and the abuse of power in India.

7. Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Case

The assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 was a defining event in Indian history, involving the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Ram Jethmalani represented some of the accused, providing legal defense in a case that had significant national security implications.

Outcome: The trial culminated in the conviction and sentencing of several accused, with continuing debates about the fairness and handling of the case.

8. Defense of Amit Shah in Sohrabuddin Encounter Case

Amit Shah, a prominent political leader, was accused of being involved in the extrajudicial killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh, a criminal who was allegedly linked to terrorist activities.

Jethmalani defended Amit Shah against charges of murder and conspiracy, showcasing his legal prowess in a politically charged case.

Outcome: Amit Shah was acquitted of all charges, with the court citing insufficient evidence, marking another controversial but significant legal victory in Jethmalani’s career.

9. Defense in the 2G Spectrum Case

The 2G spectrum case involved allegations of corruption and irregularities in the allocation of 2G mobile spectrum licenses, causing a presumed loss of billions of dollars to the Indian treasury.

Jethmalani was involved in defending some of the key accused in this complex case, which included politicians and corporate leaders.

Outcome: Many of the accused were ultimately acquitted, and the case sparked widespread debate about corruption and governance in India.

10. Defense of Jayalalithaa in Disproportionate Assets Case

Jayalalithaa, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, was accused of accumulating wealth disproportionate to her known sources of income during her tenure in office.

Lawyer Ram Jethmalani provided legal counsel to Jayalalithaa, dealing with charges that were highly political and attracted massive public attention.

Outcome: The case saw various legal battles and was marked by Jayalalithaa’s conviction and later acquittal, showing the complex interplay of law and politics in high-profile corruption cases.

The fees of Ram Jethmalani per hearing used to be INR 25 lakh or more. 

In several high-profile cases, he charged even 1 crore and more. It wasn’t his general fees because he used to charge less as well depending on the case and client. 

He was not only one of India’s most prominent lawyers but also among the highest-paid, reflecting his stature and expertise in the legal field. His fee structure was indicative of his success and the complex, high-profile nature of the cases he took on.

Ram Jethmanali Fees in Top Cases

  • Jessica Lal Murder Case: For defending Manu Sharma in the Jessica Lal murder case, it was rumored that Jethmalani charged about ₹1 crore. This fee was reflective of the intense media scrutiny and public interest in the case, as well as the complexities involved in the defense.
  • Defense of Politicians: In cases involving political figures, such as the defense of L.K. Advani in the Hawala scandal, Jethmalani’s fees were reportedly very high (over INR 1 crore), although specific numbers are often not publicly disclosed due to confidentiality agreements. 
  • K.M. Nanavati Case: While exact figures from this earlier case are not well-documented, Jethmalani’s participation in such a landmark case would have come at a considerable cost, reflecting both the societal impact of the case and the legal challenges it presented.

Other Income Sources of Ram Jethmalani Lawyer

In addition to his earnings from direct legal practice, Ram Jethmalani also derived income from consultations, public speaking, and legal education seminars, where his expertise was in high demand. 

His involvement in legal education and reform likely provided additional, albeit less direct, sources of income.

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According to the property details he disclosed to the Election Commission in 2014, his financial profile was both impressive and robust.

  • Liquid Assets: Ram Jethmalani’s movable assets were valued at approximately ₹59.6 crores. This included ₹10 lakhs in cash and a bank balance exceeding ₹2 crores, reflecting his successful legal practice and wise financial management.
  • Investments: He had invested ₹21 crores in shares, showcasing his active participation in the stock market and his knack for substantial investments.
  • Vehicles: His collection included vehicles worth ₹26 lakhs, featuring a Mercedes and a Honda City, indicating his taste for reliable and esteemed automotive brands.
  • Jewelry: Unlike many of his contemporaries, Jethmalani did not have a great fondness for gold or jewelry, possessing only about ₹5 lakhs worth of ornaments.
  • Residential Properties: Ram Jethmalani owned a house worth ₹1 crore in Gurugram, Haryana, where he had built a bungalow. Additionally, he owned a building valued at ₹4 crores in Mumbai, adding to his significant real estate portfolio.
  • Debt-Free Status: Remarkably, he did not have any loans, reflecting his financial prudence and stability. Furthermore, he had not taken any LIC policies, which is often uncommon among individuals of his stature.

Jethmalani often defended his high fees by emphasizing the complexity and demands of the cases he handled. He believed that the expertise, effort, and time required for high-stakes cases justified the substantial fees. 

Moreover, he argued that the fees were a reflection of the value provided to the clients, particularly in cases that had significant personal or business implications for them.

Advocacy for Free Legal Aid

Despite his own high fees, Jethmalani was a proponent of providing affordable legal aid to those who could not afford such services. He was known to have taken up cases pro bono or at significantly reduced fees for clients who were financially underprivileged but whose cases he believed were of legal or moral importance. 

His commitment to justice was evident in his support for legal aid initiatives and his occasional participation in cases that served the public interest without the expectation of substantial financial gain.

Criticism of the Legal System’s Access to Justice

Jethmalani was critical of the barriers to justice created by high legal fees. He often spoke about the need for reform in the legal system to ensure that everyone, regardless of economic status, had access to quality legal representation. 

He advocated for stronger legal aid services and reforms that would make the legal process more efficient and less costly.

Educational Efforts and Subsidized Legal Services

He also contributed to legal education, believing that a well-informed public and a robust pool of legal practitioners would help drive down costs through competition and improved efficiency. 

Advocate Ram Jethmalani was involved in educational initiatives aimed at training younger lawyers, which he saw as a way to improve the overall quality and accessibility of legal services.

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Ram Jethmalani’s career was not without its share of controversies and criticisms, stemming from his bold choices in legal defenses and outspoken personality:

1. Defending Controversial Clients

Jethmalani often faced criticism for representing clients who were widely perceived as criminals or corrupt individuals. 

His roster of clients included politicians, business tycoons, and individuals accused of serious crimes, such as Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parekh, and Manu Sharma. His decision to defend Indira Gandhi’s assassins and the men accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case was particularly controversial, drawing public ire and questioning his moral standings.

2. Comments on Judges and the Judiciary

Jethmalani was known for his sharp tongue and did not shy away from criticizing judges and the judiciary if he believed they were wrong. This often put him at odds with judicial authorities and sometimes led to allegations of contempt of court. 

His outspoken nature was both admired and criticized, as it challenged the norms of decorum expected in legal environments.

3. Arvind Kejriwal and Arun Jaitley Controversy

The controversy began when Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, was sued for defamation by Arun Jaitley, then the Finance Minister of India. 

The lawsuit was filed in response to accusations made by Kejriwal and other members of his party, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), against Jaitley concerning his tenure as the chairman of the Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA).

Ram Jethmalani was hired by Kejriwal to represent him in the defamation case. During the proceedings, Jethmalani’s aggressive questioning and remarks directed at Jaitley were particularly notable. 

At one point, Jethmalani called Jaitley a “crook,” which led to a significant escalation in the courtroom. Kejriwal later claimed that he had not instructed Jethmalani to use such language.

The situation took a more complicated turn regarding the payment of Jethmalani’s legal fees. Jethmalani reportedly sent bills amounting to approximately ₹3.42 crores for his services. 

When the Delhi government, led by Kejriwal, attempted to use public funds to settle these bills, it sparked widespread criticism and a public outcry over the use of taxpayer money for a personal legal battle.

4. Public Spats with Political Figures

Beyond the courtroom, Jethmalani had several public disagreements with other prominent figures, especially within the political sphere, where he was also active. 

His feud with former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was particularly public and bitter, illustrating his willingness to speak his mind against high-ranking officials.

5. Remarks on Public Issues

Ram Jethmalani’s comments on sensitive issues sometimes drew significant backlash. For example, his remarks about the Hindu epic Ramayana being a fictional piece of work led to public outcry from various religious and cultural groups in India. 

His willingness to challenge popular beliefs and make provocative statements was a hallmark of his public persona, often resulting in polarized responses.

6. Ethical Questions Over Legal Defenses

Ethical questions were frequently raised about his choice to defend individuals accused of heinous crimes. Critics argued that by choosing to represent such clients, he was in some way endorsing their actions, or at the very least, exploiting legal loopholes for their benefit. 

Ram Jethmalani, however, maintained that everyone deserved a fair trial and that it was his duty as a lawyer to provide the best defense possible, regardless of public opinion.

7. Political Controversies

His political career, particularly his term as the Union Law Minister and later his time as a Member of Parliament, was marked by sharp confrontations and criticisms over his views on law reforms and his approach to handling sensitive legal and political issues.

Ram Jethmalani’s career was as prominent in the political arena as it was in the legal field. His foray into politics was marked by significant roles and controversies, reflecting his strong opinions and fearless advocacy:

Entry into Politics

Ram Jethmalani entered politics in the 1970s, driven by his commitment to legal reforms and his desire to influence the broader governance of India. His political journey was intertwined with his legal career, both reflecting his outspoken nature and confrontational style.

Parliamentary Career

  • Rajya Sabha Membership: Jethmalani was elected to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of India’s Parliament, multiple times. He served as a member representing various parties, showcasing his alignment with different political ideologies over time.
  • Lok Sabha Election: He also served as a member of the Lok Sabha, the lower house, after winning the general election from Mumbai.

Union Law Minister

  • First Term: Jethmalani first served as the Union Minister of Law, Justice, and Company Affairs from 1996 to 1998. This role put him at the forefront of legal reforms in India. He was a member of the cabinet when the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was in power.
  • Second Term: He returned to the same ministry in 1999 under a different political alignment but his term was cut short due to various controversies, including his outspoken criticisms of other political figures and certain judicial appointments.

Ram Jethmalani’s personal life was as full and vibrant as his professional life, marked by a strong family foundation and varied interests beyond the legal arena.

Marriage and Children

Jethmalani was married twice. He first married Durga, with whom he had four children: Rani, Shobha, Mahesh, and Janak. 

Later in life, he married Ratna Shahani, a lawyer, and they had a son named Mahesh Jethmalani, who also became a prominent lawyer.

Influence on Children

Notably, his influence as a leading legal mind extended to his family as well. His son, Mahesh Jethmalani, followed in his footsteps into the legal profession and has made a name for himself in the field. 

This underscores Ram Jethmalani’s role as a mentor and a role model within his family, particularly in guiding them toward careers in law.

Personal Interests

  • Reading and Writing: Beyond the courtroom, Jethmalani had a profound love for reading and writing. He often wrote articles and essays on law, politics, and current affairs, contributing to various publications and sharing his insights on wide-ranging topics.
  • Social Gatherings and Public Speaking: He enjoyed participating in social gatherings and was known for his engaging and often provocative speeches. His ability to articulate complex ideas in an accessible manner made him a sought-after speaker at events and seminars.
  • Education Advocate: Jethmalani was passionate about education, not only in legal matters but also in broader philosophical and ethical contexts. He often engaged in discussions and debates on educational reforms and the importance of nurturing critical thinking.

Ram Jethmalani was not only a prominent lawyer and politician but also a prolific writer. He authored several books where he discussed various legal, political, and philosophical issues. 

Below is a list of some of the notable books by Ram Jethmalani:

1. Big Egos, Small Men 

In this book, Jethmalani explores the personalities and actions of various political figures in India, offering a critical view of their contributions and the impact they had on the country.

2. Conscience of a Maverick

This book is a collection of essays and articles written by Jethmalani over the years, reflecting his thoughts on justice, law, and society. It showcases his outspoken nature and his unwavering commitment to speaking his mind.

3. Maverick: Unchanged, Unrepentant 

This autobiography details his personal and professional life, offering insights into his experiences in the legal and political arenas. It’s a candid look at his challenges and successes, providing readers with a deep understanding of his motivations and beliefs.

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Ram Jethmalani was not only a distinguished lawyer and a prominent political figure but also a thinker deeply committed to certain philosophical principles regarding law, justice, and societal governance. His beliefs and views were often expressed in his speeches, writings, and the cases he chose to champion.

Justice Above All: 

Jethmalani strongly believed that justice should be the ultimate goal of any legal system. He often emphasized that the law is a means to achieve justice and not an end in itself. This belief drove him to take on cases that were not only legally challenging but also had broader implications for justice in society.

Right to Defense: 

He was a staunch advocate for the principle that everyone deserves a fair trial and the right to a robust defense, regardless of the public opinion surrounding the case. This principle guided his career choices, leading him to defend clients who were highly unpopular or controversial.

Judicial Efficiency: 

Advocate Ram Jethmalani was critical of the delays and inefficiencies prevalent in the Indian judicial system. He advocated for judicial reforms to speed up legal processes and reduce the backlog of cases, which he saw as a major hurdle to achieving timely justice.

Legal Education: 

He believed that legal education in India needed to be more dynamic and practical, reflecting the realities of the courtroom and the complexities of the law. He supported initiatives that aimed to improve legal training and advocated for continuous learning and adaptation among legal professionals.

Transparency and Accountability: 

Jethmalani often spoke out against corruption within the legal system and the lack of accountability among high-ranking officials in both the judiciary and the government. He called for more transparency in the functioning of the judiciary and for judges to be held to higher standards of accountability.

Critiques of Judicial Decisions: 

Jethmalani was known for his critical reviews of judicial decisions that he believed failed to uphold justice. His writings often dissected such decisions to highlight what he perceived as legal errors or ethical oversights.

Who was Ram Jethmalani?

Ram Jethmalani was a renowned Indian lawyer and politician, known for his significant contributions to the legal field and his service as a Member of Parliament and Union Law Minister. He was famous for handling high-profile and controversial cases.

What are some of Ram Jethmalani’s most famous legal cases?

Some of his most notable cases include the defense of Manu Sharma in the Jessica Lal murder case, the defense of Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parekh in stock market scam cases, and the defense of the assassins of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.

Did Ram Jethmalani serve in any political positions?

Yes, Jethmalani served multiple terms as a Member of Parliament and was the Union Minister of Law, Justice, and Company Affairs on two occasions during the late 1990s and early 2000s.

What were Ram Jethmalani’s views on the Indian legal system?

Jethmalani was a vocal critic of the inefficiencies and corruption in the Indian legal system. He advocated for judicial reforms, including faster processing of cases, greater accountability for judges, and improvements in legal education.

When did Ram Jethmalani pass away?

Ram Jethmalani passed away on September 8, 2019, leaving behind a legacy as one of India’s most influential and respected legal minds.

Who was the wife of Ram Jethmalani?

Ram Jethmalani was married twice. His first wife was Durga Jethmalani, and after her passing, he married Ratna Shahani, who is also a lawyer.

What was the fee of Ram Jethmalani per hearing?

Ram Jethmalani’s fees varied widely depending on the case, but reports suggest that he could charge around INR 25 lakhs to over a crore rupees per hearing for high-profile cases.

What is the date of birth of Ram Jethmalani?

Ram Jethmalani was born on September 14, 1923.

What was Ram Jethmalani’s fee for Harshad Mehta?

The exact fee charged by Jethmalani for defending Harshad Mehta is not publicly disclosed, but given the profile of the case, it is presumed to be a substantial amount.

What is the name of Ram Jethmalani’s law firm?

Ram Jethmalani operated his own independent practice and was not specifically associated with a law firm bearing his name.

Ram Jethmalani belonged to which political party?

Ram Jethmalani was associated with several political parties over his career, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Janata Dal. 

What are Ram Jethmalani’s educational qualifications?

Ram Jethmalani completed his law degree at the age of 17 from Bombay University, having been granted special permission due to his young age.

What was Ram Jethmalani’s cause of death?

Ram Jethmalani passed away due to natural causes on September 8, 2019.

What did Ram Jethmalani say about Dawood Ibrahim?

In a controversial remark, Ram Jethmalani claimed that Dawood Ibrahim, a wanted criminal, was willing to return to India, but the conditions he set were not accepted by the Indian government.

Why is Ram Jethmalani famous?

Ram Jethmalani is famous for his formidable presence in the courtroom, handling controversial and high-profile cases, and his outspoken nature in both his legal and political careers.

How much did Ram Jethmalani charge?

He was among the highest-paid lawyers in India, often running into several lakhs or even crores per appearance, depending on the complexity and profile of the case.

Who is the daughter of Ram Jethmalani and what does she do?

Ram Jethmalani’s daughter is Rani Jethmalani. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a lawyer. Rani has been involved in legal practice and has contributed to the legal profession in her own right.

Who is the son of Ram Jethmalani and what does he do?

Mahesh Jethmalani, one of Ram Jethmalani’s sons, is also a well-known lawyer. Like his father, Mahesh has made a significant impact in the legal field, handling various high-profile cases and maintaining a prominent presence in the Indian legal community.

Who is Janak Jethmalani?

Janak Jethmalani is another son of Ram Jethmalani. However, unlike his brother Mahesh, there is less public information available about Janak’s professional pursuits or public life.

What are the views of Ram Jethmalani on Narendra Modi?

Ram Jethmalani had complex views regarding Narendra Modi, especially related to Modi’s governance as Prime Minister of India. At various times, Jethmalani expressed support for Modi’s policies, particularly praising his efforts toward economic reforms and governance.

However, Jethmalani was also not shy about criticizing Modi or his government when he felt that they were not living up to their promises or when he disagreed with specific policies. 


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