100 Important English Words For CLAT 2025 Exam

Vocabulary plays a significant role in cracking the CLAT English section. So learning new words every day is of utmost importance. In this article, we have listed down important vocabulary words that will enhance your word game. Try using these words on a daily basis, so you don’t have to rote-learn them. Apart from this, make your own diary and keep adding 5-10 new English vocabulary words every day. 

List of Important Vocabulary Words for CLAT 2025

The following is a list of vocabulary words for those preparing for CLAT 2025 exam:

  1. amicable – friendly
  2. gigantic – enormous
  3. biased – prejudice
  4. autonomy – political independence
  5. alliance – the state of being joined in as an association or coalition 
  6. league – an association of states or individuals for common action. 
  7. nimble – open
  8. jovial – cheerful
  9. exalt – open 
  10. bountiful – munificent 
  11. bigot – stubborn 
  12. castigation – severe punishment 
  13. decry – disapprove of
  14. egress – way out, exit
  15. gregarious – living in societies, liking the company 
  16. fervid – intense, zealous 
  17. haven – harbor, safe place
  18. judicious – sound in judgment, wise
  19. mettlesome – courageous, high-spirited
  20. idiosyncrasy – eccentricity
  21. assiduous – persistent
  22. styloid – slender
  23. scamble – move hurriedly
  24. radical – far beyond the norm
  25. expel – to eliminate 
  26. gullible – credulous
  27. behoof- benefit
  28. remit – refer to another authority for decision 
  29. prominence – the state of being widely known or eminent 
  30. vaunt – boast
  31. colloquial – conversational
  32. quintessence – purest part
  33. lassitude – lack of vitality or energy
  34. latent – dormant
  35. imbroglio – complicated and embarrassing situations
  36. panegyric – formal paise, eulogy
  37. nugatory – having no power or force
  38. perennial – last for a long time 
  39. quaint – unusual
  40. beseech – pray
  41. overhaul – examine thoroughly to learn about the condition
  42. prevaricate – to evade
  43. cavil – to complain
  44. pellucid – transparent, easy to understand 
  45. loath – unwilling
  46. ferret – search
  47. onus – a burden or responsibility
  48. mortify – humiliate
  49. gingerly – assiduously
  50. grandiose – imposing
  51. fudge – falsify
  52. imperiousness – arrogance
  53. latitude – trite remark
  54. grandiose – imposing
  55. spry – nimble
  56. fudge – falsify
  57. aphorism – proverb
  58. puerility – childishness
  59. horrendous – dreadful
  60. passé – chic
  61. vituperation – malediction
  62. sporadic – occasional
  63. emaciated – very thin
  64. potpourri – medley
  65. lexicon – dictionary
  66. hex – evil spell
  67. liturgy – ritual
  68. scurrilous – insulting
  69. dialectic – fawning
  70. charlatan – quack
  71. cynosure – centre of attention
  72. apposite – relevant
  73. riparian – riverbanks
  74. enigmatic – perplexing
  75. diffidence – humility
  76. impeccable – flawless
  77. equestrian – relates to horses
  78. camouflaging – hiding
  79. lynch – killed
  80. fatigue – weariness
  81. parley – discuss
  82. aberration – deviation
  83. inundate – flooded
  84. jargon – lingo
  85. nuptial – marriage
  86. zythum – ancient writer
  87. ebb – decay
  88. perestroika – opening up
  89. oligarchy – small group of people
  90. puerility – childishness
  91. lax – loose
  92. undulation – vibration
  93. urbane – polite
  94. detest – abhor
  95. tedious – tiresome
  96. obsequious – servile
  97. callous – unfeeling
  98. temerity – boldness, brashness, intrepidness
  99. sawdust – tiny bits of wood
  100. valorous – brave


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